Sunday, 8 March 2015

ToMB2 - Deadline, I am in you!

So in my last update I said I had failed.

It turns out I lied.

The deadline for month one was, in fact, the 9th March. So, as you might have guessed from the title, this had given me enough time to successfully complete all of my pledged models this month. I even have some pictures as proof:

I have to admit it was tight, but there all done now...

Except that was only month 1!

So what's next?

Well for subsequent months we get £15 to expand our crews, so what am I going to pick?

Well, I have already mentioned I have been using nurses, so they are definitely in. In addition to this I am going to include a canine remains and a flesh construct. This is about half of the McMourning box (I have not included McMourning, Chihuahua and Sebastian) which is about £30 so that is basically £15 right?

I have no idea when the next deadline is though... stay tuned!

In other news, I also plan to take these freshly painted lovelies out to play in Lemonentry, a 50ss tournament at the North West Gaming Centre ran by Aidan 'Britney' Kirk. In a mad moment, I have also decided I am going to use all painted models (it's not a requirement of the event) which means I am going to be playing basically the same list every game. How can this possibly go wrong...

Wish me luck! Expect to hear me reporting defeat soon.

1 comment:

  1. Looking really good, the matching colors in different areas really binds them together, good luck at the tourney:)
